2013 PhD, Biostatistics, McGill University
2009 MSc, Statistics, McGill University
2008 BSc, Honours Applied Mathematics, McGill University
2013 Postdoctoral Researcher, Biostatistics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
2012 Visiting Research Associate, Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania
2011 Visiting Student Researcher, Biostatistics, UC Berkeley
2009 MSc, Statistics, McGill University
2008 BSc, Honours Applied Mathematics, McGill University
2013 Postdoctoral Researcher, Biostatistics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
2012 Visiting Research Associate, Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania
2011 Visiting Student Researcher, Biostatistics, UC Berkeley
2019- Professeure agrégée (Associate Professor), Faculté de pharmacie, Université de Montréal.
2019- Professeure agrégée en affiliation secondaire (Associate Professor, secondary affiliation), Département de médecine sociale et préventive, École de santé publique (School of Public Health), Université de Montréal
2015- Adjunct Professor, Department of Epidemiololgy, Biostatistics, and Occupational Health, McGill University
2014-2019 Professeure adjointe (Assistant Professor, tenure track), Faculté de pharmacie, Université de Montréal
2019- Professeure agrégée en affiliation secondaire (Associate Professor, secondary affiliation), Département de médecine sociale et préventive, École de santé publique (School of Public Health), Université de Montréal
2015- Adjunct Professor, Department of Epidemiololgy, Biostatistics, and Occupational Health, McGill University
2014-2019 Professeure adjointe (Assistant Professor, tenure track), Faculté de pharmacie, Université de Montréal
Schnitzer ME, Platt R, Durand M. A tutorial on dealing with time-varying eligibility for treatment: Comparing the risk of major bleeding with DOACs versus warfarin (2020). Statistics in Medicine, 39(29): 4538-4550. Wiley | Papyrus
Luque Fernandez MA, Schomaker M, Redondo-Sanchez D, Sánchez MJ, Vaidya A, Schnitzer ME (2019). Educational Note: Paradoxical Collider Effect in the Analysis of Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiological Data: a reproducible illustration and web application. International Journal of Epidemiology, 48(2): 640-653. Oxford | App
Luque Fernandez MA, Schomaker M, Rachet B, Schnitzer ME (2018) Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation for a Binary Treatment: A Tutorial. Statistics in Medicine, 37(16) : 2530-2546. Wiley
Commentaries and editorials
Schnitzer ME, Ortiz-Brizuela E*, Carabali M, Talbot D (2024). Bias-interpretability tradeoffs in vaccine effectiveness studies using test-negative or cohort designs. Epidemiology, 35(2):150-153. Invited commentary. LWW
Shrier I, Steele R, Schuster T, Schnitzer M (2022). Guest Editorial. Observational Studies, 8(2): 3-6. MUSE
Dean N, Hogan J, Schnitzer ME (2021). SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Effectiveness and the Test-Negative Design. Editorial. New England Journal of Medicine, 385:1431-1433. NEJM
Schnitzer ME (2020). Comment: Increasing Real World Usage of Targeted Minimum Loss-based Estimators (2020). Statistical Sciences, 35(3): 496-498. PE
Steele RJ, Schnitzer ME, Shrier I (2020). Importance of Homogeneous Effect Modification for Causal Interpretation of Meta-analyses. Commentary, American Journal of Epidemiology, 31(3): 353-355. LWW
Methods papers (* indicates a graduate student, postdoc, or research assistant)
Chatton A*, Bally M, Lévesque R, Malenica I, Platt RW, Schnitzer ME. Personalised dynamic super learning: an application in predicting hemodiafiltration's convection volumes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C: Applied Statistics, published online. arXiv | Oxford
Diop A*, Sirois C, Guertin JR, Schnitzer ME, Brophy JM, Blais C, Hamel D, Talbot D (2024). History-Restricted Marginal Structural Model and Latent Class Growth Analysis of Treatment Trajectories for a Time-dependent Outcome. International Journal of Biostatistics, Published online. De Gruyter
Wang G*, Lian Y, Yang AY, Platt RW, Wang R, Perreault S, Dorais M, Schnitzer ME (2024). Structured Learning in Time-dependent Cox Models. Statistics in Medicine, 43(17): 3164-3183. Wiley
Ortiz-Brizuela E*, Carabali M, Jiang C*, Merckx J, Talbot D, Schnitzer ME. Potential Biases in Test-Negative Design Studies of COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Arising from the Inclusion of Asymptomatic Individuals. Accepted in American Journal of Epidemiology, April 2024. Oxford
Wang G*, Schnitzer ME, Chen T, Wang R, Platt RW (2024). A general framework for formulating structured variable selection. Transactions on Machine Learning Research. OpenReview
Mésidor M*, Liu Y*, Talbot D, Skowronski DM, De Serres G, Merckx J, Koushik A, Tadrous M, Carazo S, Jiang C*, Schnitzer ME (2024). Test negative design for vaccine effectiveness estimation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic methodology review. Vaccine 42(5):995-1003. SD
Siddique AA*, Schnitzer ME, Balakrishnan N, Sotgiu G, Vargas MH, Menzies D, Benedetti A (2023). Two-stage targeted maximum likelihood estimation for mixed aggregate and individual participant data analysis with an application to multidrug resistant tuberculosis. Statistics in Medicine, online ahead of print, November 2023. Wiley
Diop A*, Sirois C, Guertin J, Schnitzer ME, Candas B, Cossette B, Brophy J, Mésidor M0, Blais C, Hamel D, Tadrous M, Lix L, Talbot D (2023). Marginal Structural Models with Latent Class Growth Analysis of Treatment Trajectories: Statins for primary prevention among older adults. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 32(11):2207-2225. PMC
Liu Y*, Schnitzer ME, Herrera R*, Díaz I, O’Loughlin J, Sylvestre MP. The application of target trials with longitudinal targeted maximum likelihood estimation to assess the effect of alcohol consumption in adolescence on depressive symptoms in adulthood. Accepted in American Journal of Epidemiology, July 2023. Oxford | Papyrus
Schnitzer ME, Ferreira Guerra S*, Longo C, Blais L, and Platt RW (2022). A potential outcomes approach to defining and estimating gestational age-specific exposure effects during pregnancy. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 31(2): 300-314. SAGE
Bahamyirou A*, Schnitzer ME, Kennedy E, Blais, L, Yang, Y. Doubly Robust Adaptive LASSO for Effect Modifier Discovery. Online ahead of print at the International Journal of Biostatistics, January 2022. De Gruyter | arXiv
Liu Y*, Schnitzer ME, Wang G*, Kennedy E, Viiklepp P, Vargas MH, Sotgiu G, Menzies D, Benedetti A (2022). Modeling Treatment Effect Modification in Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis in an Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 31(4):689-705. SAGE
Schnitzer ME. Estimands and estimation of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness under the test-negative design: connections to causal inference (2022). Epidemiology, 33(3):325-333. LWW | PMC
Benasseur I, Talbot D, Durand M, Holbrook A, Matteau A, Potter BJ, Renoux C, Schnitzer ME, Tarride JE, Guertin JR (2022). Comparison of Confounder Selection and Adjustment Methods for Estimating Causal Effects Using Large Healthcare Databases. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 31(4):424-433. Wiley
Sinyavskaya L*, Schnitzer ME, Renoux C, Guertin JR, Talbot D, Durand M (2021). Evidence of the Different Associations of Prognostic Factors with Censoring Across Treatment Groups and Impact on Censoring Weight Model Specification: The Example of Anticoagulation in Atrial Fibrillation. American Journal of Epidemiology, 190(12):2671-2679. OUP
Schnitzer ME, Harel D, Ho V, Koushik A, and Merckx J. Identifiability and estimation under the test-negative design with population controls with the goal of identifying risk and preventive factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Epidemiology, 32(5): 690-697. LWW | arXiv
Shrier I, Redelmeier A*, Schnitzer ME, Steele RJ (2021). Challenges in interpreting results from “multiple regression” when there is interaction between covariates. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, 26(2). BMJ
Ferreira Guerra S*, Schnitzer ME, Forget A, Blais L. Impact of discretization of the timeline for longitudinal causal inference methods (2020). Statistics in Medicine, 39(27): 4069-4085. Wiley | Papyrus
Schnitzer ME, Sango J*, Ferreira Guerra S*, van der Laan MJ (2020). Data-adaptive longitudinal variable selection in causal inference with collaborative targeted minimum loss-based estimation. Biometrics, 76(1): 145-157. Pubmed | Papyrus
Wang G*, Schnitzer ME, Menzies D, Viiklepp P, Holtz T, Benedetti A (2020). Estimating treatment importance in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis using Targeted Learning: an observational individual patient data network meta-analysis. Biometrics, 76(3): 1007-1016. Wiley | Papyrus
Bahamyirou A*, Blais L, Forget A, Schnitzer ME (2019) Understanding and Diagnosing the Potential for Bias when using Machine Learning Methods with Doubly Robust Causal Estimators. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 28(6):1637-1650. SAGE | Papyrus
Siddique AA*, Schnitzer ME, Bahamyirou A*, Wang G*, Holtz TH, Migliori GB, Sotgiu G, Gandhi NR, Vargas MH, Menzies D, Benedetti A (2019). Causal inference with multiple concurrent medications: a comparison of methods and an application in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 28(12):3534-3549. Pubmed | Papyrus
Schnitzer ME, Blais L (2018) Methods for the assessment of selection bias in drug safety during pregnancy studies using electronic medical data, Pharmacology Research & Perspectives, 6(5): e00426. Pubmed
Shrier I, Platt RW, Steele RJ and Schnitzer ME (2018) Estimating causal effects of treatment in a randomized trials when some participants only partially adhere. Epidemiology, 29(1): 78-86. Pubmed
Schnitzer ME, Cefalu M (2018) Collaborative targeted learning using regression shrinkage.
Statistics in Medicine 37(4): 530-543. Wiley
Pang M, Schuster T, Filion K, Schnitzer ME, Eberg M, Platt R (2016) Effect Estimation in Point-exposure Studies with Binary Outcomes and High-dimensional Covariate Data – a Comparison of Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighting. International Journal of Biostatistics, 12(2). Pubmed
Schnitzer ME, Steele RJ, Bally M, and Shrier I (2016) A causal inference approach to network meta-analysis. Journal of Causal Inference, 4(2). De Gruyter | arXiv
Naimi AI, Schnitzer ME, Moodie EEM, and Bodnar LM (2016) Mediation Analysis for Health Disparities Research. American Journal of Epidemiology 184(4): 315-324. Oxford
Schnitzer ME, Lok JJ and Gruber S (2016) Variable selection for confounder control, flexible modeling and Collaborative Targeted Minimum Loss-based Estimation in causal inference. International Journal of Biostatistics 12(1): 97-115. Files | Pubmed
Schnitzer ME, Lok JJ and Ron Bosch (2016) Double robust and efficient estimation of a prognostic model for events in the presence of dependent censoring. Biostatistics 17(1): 165-177. Files | Oxford
(Short invited article) Shrier I, Schnitzer ME, and Steele RJ (2015) When Intention to Treat is not the question : Systematic reviews and meta-analyses on the causal effect of treatment. Cochrane DB Syst Rev Suppl 1 : 27-28. Cochrane
Schnitzer ME, van der Laan MJ, Moodie EEM, and Platt RW (2014) Effect of Breastfeeding on Gastrointestinal Infection in Infants: A Targeted Maximum Likelihood Approach for Clustered Longitudinal Data. Annals of Applied Statistics 8(2): 703-725. Pubmed
Schnitzer ME, Moodie EEM, van der Laan MJ, Platt RW, and Klein MB (2014) Modeling the impact of hepatitis C viral clearance on end-stage liver disease in an HIV co-infected cohort with Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation. Biometrics 70(1): 144–152. Wiley
Schnitzer ME, Moodie EEM, and Platt RW (2013) Targeted maximum likelihood for marginal time-dependent treatment effects under density misspecification. Biostatistics 14(1): 1-14. Pubmed
Mésidor M*, Sirois C, Guertin JR, Schnitzer ME, Candas B, Blais C, Cossette B, Poirier P, Brophy JM, Lix L, Tadrous M, Diop A, Hamel D, Talbot D. Effect of statin use for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease among older adults: A cautionary tale concerning target trials emulation. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, available online 2024.
Winters N*, Schnitzer ME, Campbell JR, Ripley S, Winston C, Savic R, Ahmad N, Bisson G, Dheda K, Esmail A, Gegia M, Monedero I, Dalcolmo MP, Rodrigues D, Singla R, Yim J-J, Menzies D (2023). Identifying patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis who may benefit from shorter durations of treatment. PLOS ONE 18(10): e0292106.
Perreault S, Schnitzer ME, Disso E*, Qazi J*, Boivin-Proulx L-A, Dorais M (2022+). Polypharmacy and Risk of Mortality Among Patients with Heart Failure Following Hospitalization: A Nested Case-control Study. Scientific Reports, 12, Article number: 19963.
Jiao T*, Schnitzer ME, Forget A, Blais L (2022). Identifying Asthma Patients at High Risk of Exacerbation in Real Time: A Machine Learning Model Respiratory Medicine. Respiratory Medicine, 198: 106866.
Perreault S, Dragomir A, Côté R, Terrier-Lenglet A, de Denus S, Dorais M, White-Guay B, Brophy J, Schnitzer ME, Dubé MP, Tardif JC (2022). Comparative Effectiveness and Safety of Low-Dose Oral Anticoagulants in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation. Frontiers Pharmacology, 12: 812018.
Chamoun M*, Forget A, Chabot I, Schnitzer ME, Blais L (2022). Difference in drug cost between private and public drug plans in Quebec, Canada. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1):200. Pubmed
Fleury S*, Schnitzer ME, Ledoux-Hutchinson L, Boukhatem I, Bélanger JC, Welman M, Busseuil D, Tardif JC, D’Antono B, Lordkipanidzé M (2022). Clinical correlates identify proBDNF and thrombo-inflammatory markers as key predictors of circulating p75NTR ECD levels in older adults. Frontiers Aging Neuroscience, 14: 821865. Frontiers
Bouchard A*, Bourdeau F*, Roger J*, Taillefer VT*, Sheehan N, Schnitzer ME, Wang G*, François IJJB, Therrien R. Predictive Factors of Detectable Viral Load in HIV Infected Patients.Online ahead of print at AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, November 2021. Pubmed
Abrahami D*, McDonald EG, Schnitzer ME, Barkun AN, Suissa S, Azoulay L (2021). Proton pump inhibitors and risk of colorectal cancer. Gut, 71:111-118. Awarded Editor's Choice. Pubmed
Abrahami D*, McDonald EG, Schnitzer ME, Barkun AN, Suissa S, Azoulay L (2021). Proton pump inhibitors and risk of gastric cancer: population-based cohort study. Gut, 71:16-24. Awarded Editor's Choice. Pubmed
Boissière-O’Neill T, Schnitzer ME, Lewin A, Bilodeau-Bertrand M, Ayoub A, Auger N (2021). Is the protective association between hyperemesis gravidarum and birth defects biased by pregnancy termination? Annals of Epidemiology, 59:10-15. Pubmed
Qazi JZ*, Schnitzer ME, Côté R, Martel MJ, Dorais M, Perreault S (2021). Predicting major bleeding among hospitalized patients using oral anticoagulants for atrial fibrillation after discharge. PLOS ONE, 16(3):e0246691. PLOS
Richard N, Gyger G, Hoa S, Proudman S, Stevens W, Nikpour M, Wang M, Schnitzer ME, Canadian Scleroderma Research Group (CSRG), Australian Scleroderma Interest Group (ASIG), Baron M, Hudson M (2021). Immunosuppression Does Not Prevent Severe Gastrointestinal Tract Involvement in Systemic Sclerosis. Arthritis Care & Research 131(4):142-148. Pubmed
Perreault S, Dragomir A, Côté R, Lenglet A, White-Guay B, de Denus S, Schnitzer ME, Dubé MP, Brophy J, Dorais M, Tardif JC (2021). Comparative effectiveness and safety of high-dose rivaroxaban and apixaban for atrial fibrillation: A propensity score-matched cohort study. Pharmacotherapy 41(4):379-393. Pubmed
Abrahami D*, McDonald EG, Schnitzer ME, Azoulay L (2021). Trends in Prescribing Patterns of Proton Pump Inhibitors Surrounding New Guidelines. Annals of Epidemiology, 55:24-26. Pubmed
Durand M, Schnitzer ME, Pang M, Carney G, Eltonsy S, Filion KB, Fisher A, Jun M, Kuo I, Matteau A, Paterson JM, Quail J, Renoux C and the CNODES Investigators (2021). Effectiveness and Safety among Direct Oral Anticoagulants in Non Valvular Atrial Fibrillation: A Multi-Database Cohort Study with Meta-Analysis. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 87(6):2589-2601. Pubmed
Abrahami D*, McDonald EG, Schnitzer ME, Azoulay L (2020). Trends in acid suppressant drug prescriptions in primary care in the UK: a population-based cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 10: e041529. BMJ
Sangaré MN*, Baril J, de Pokomandy A, Ferreira Guerra S*, Carabali M, Laprise C, Thomas R, Klein M, Tremblay C, Roger M, Pexos C, Greenwald Z, Machouf N, Durand M, Hardy I, Dakouo M, Trevisan A*, Laporte L, Schnitzer ME, Trottier H (2020). Treatment switch to dolutegravir with 2 nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) in comparison to continuation with protease inhibitor/ritonavir among patient with HIV at risk for prior NRTI resistance: a cohort analysis of real-world data. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 7(11). Chosen as “Editor’s Choice”.
Durand M, Schnitzer ME, Pang M, Carney G, Eltonsy S, Filion KB, Fisher A, Jun M, Kuo I, Matteau A, Paterson JM, Quail J, Renoux C and the CNODES Investigators (2020). Comparative Effectiveness and Safety of Direct Oral Anticoagulants compared to vitamin K antagonists in Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation: A Multi-center Observational Cohort Study. CMAJ Open, 8(4): E877-E886.
Longo C*, Forget A, Schnitzer ME, Blais L (2020). Timing of Maternal Asthma Diagnosis in Relation to Adverse Perinatal Outcomes. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 8(6):1938-1946.e4. Pubmed
Auger N, Potter BJ, Healy-Profitós J, He S, Schnitzer ME, Paradis G (2020). Mood disorders in pregnant women and future cardiovascular risk. Journal of Affective Disorders, 266: 128-134.
Auger N, Potter BJ, He S, Healy-Profitós J, Schnitzer ME, Paradis G (2020). Maternal cardiovascular disease three decades after preterm birth: Longitudinal cohort study of pregnancy vascular disorders. Hypertension, 75(3): 788-795.
Perreault S, de Denus S, White-Guay B, Côté R, Schnitzer ME, Dubé M-P, Dorais M, Tardif J-C (2020). Oral Anticoagulant Prescription Trends, Profile Use and Determinants of Adherence in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation. Pharmacotherapy, 40(1): 40-54. Link
Lombardi J, Nguy P, Robichaud Ducharme A, Thompson-Desormeaux F, Ruo N, Girard G, Schnitzer ME, Thirion DJG, Papenburg J, Longpré AA (2019). Assessment of Surgical Antibiotic Prophylaxis Compliance in Pediatrics: A Pre–Post Quasi-experimental Study. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 39(1): 48-53.
Khanji C*, Schnitzer ME, Bareil C, Perreault S, Lalonde L (2019). Concordance of care processes between medication records and patient self-administered questionnaires. BMC Family Practice, 20:92
Blair A*, Gauvin L, Schnitzer ME, Datta GD (2019). The role of access to a regular primary care physician in mediating immigration-based disparities in colorectal screening: Application of multiple mediation methods. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 28(4):650-658. Link
Perreault S, Côté R, White-Guay B, Dorais M, Oussaïd E*, Schnitzer ME (2019). Anticoagulants in older patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation after intracranial hemorrhage. Journal of Stroke, 21(2): 195-206.
Khanji C*, Lalonde L, Bareil C, Lussier M-T, Perreault S, Schnitzer ME (2019). LASSO Regression for the Prediction of Intermediate Outcomes Related to Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Using the Transit Quality Indicators. Medical Care, 57(1): 63-72. Link
Discepola V*, Schnitzer ME, Jolicoeur EM, Rousseau G, Lordkipanidzé M (2018). Clinical Importance of Thrombocytopenia in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes - a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2019). Platelets, 30(7): 817-827. Link
Doré I*, O'Loughlin JL, Schnitzer ME, Datta GD, Fournier L (2018) The longitudinal association between the context of physical activity and mental health in early adulthood. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 14: 121-130.
Auger N, Arbour L, Schnitzer ME, Healy-Profitós J, Nadeau G, Fraser WD (2018). Pregnancy Outcomes of Women with Spina Bifida. Disability and Rehabilitation, 12:1-7.
Awad C*, Canneva A*, Chiasson CO*, Galarneau A*, Schnitzer ME, Sheehan NL, Wong AYJ (2017). PHIRST Trial - Pharmacist Consults: Prioritization of HIV Patients with a Referral Screening Tool. AIDS Care: Psychology, Health & Medicine - Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 14: 1-10. Link
Antaky E*, Choinière M, Schnitzer ME, Martin E, Berbiche D, Perreault S, Lussier D, Lalonde L (2017) Identifying heavy healthcare users among primary care patients with chronic non-cancer pain. Canadian Journal of Pain, 1(1): 22-36. Link
Auger N, Fraser, WD, Schnitzer ME, Leduc L, Healy-Profitós J, and Paradis G (2016) Recurrent preeclampsia and accelerated cardiovascular risk, Heart, 103(3): 235-243. Link
Schnitzer ME, Hudson M, Baron M, Steele RJ, and the Canadian Scleroderma Research Group (2011) Disability in systemic sclerosis -- a longitudinal observational study. Journal of Rheumatology 38: 685-692. Link
Walker JG, Steele RJ, Schnitzer ME, Taillefer S, Baron M, the Canadian Scleroderma Research Group, and Hudson M (2010) The association between disease activity and duration in systemic sclerosis. Journal of Rheumatology. 37: 2299-2306. Link
Schnitzer ME, Platt R, Durand M. A tutorial on dealing with time-varying eligibility for treatment: Comparing the risk of major bleeding with DOACs versus warfarin (2020). Statistics in Medicine, 39(29): 4538-4550. Wiley | Papyrus
Luque Fernandez MA, Schomaker M, Redondo-Sanchez D, Sánchez MJ, Vaidya A, Schnitzer ME (2019). Educational Note: Paradoxical Collider Effect in the Analysis of Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiological Data: a reproducible illustration and web application. International Journal of Epidemiology, 48(2): 640-653. Oxford | App
Luque Fernandez MA, Schomaker M, Rachet B, Schnitzer ME (2018) Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation for a Binary Treatment: A Tutorial. Statistics in Medicine, 37(16) : 2530-2546. Wiley
Commentaries and editorials
Schnitzer ME, Ortiz-Brizuela E*, Carabali M, Talbot D (2024). Bias-interpretability tradeoffs in vaccine effectiveness studies using test-negative or cohort designs. Epidemiology, 35(2):150-153. Invited commentary. LWW
Shrier I, Steele R, Schuster T, Schnitzer M (2022). Guest Editorial. Observational Studies, 8(2): 3-6. MUSE
Dean N, Hogan J, Schnitzer ME (2021). SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Effectiveness and the Test-Negative Design. Editorial. New England Journal of Medicine, 385:1431-1433. NEJM
Schnitzer ME (2020). Comment: Increasing Real World Usage of Targeted Minimum Loss-based Estimators (2020). Statistical Sciences, 35(3): 496-498. PE
Steele RJ, Schnitzer ME, Shrier I (2020). Importance of Homogeneous Effect Modification for Causal Interpretation of Meta-analyses. Commentary, American Journal of Epidemiology, 31(3): 353-355. LWW
Methods papers (* indicates a graduate student, postdoc, or research assistant)
Chatton A*, Bally M, Lévesque R, Malenica I, Platt RW, Schnitzer ME. Personalised dynamic super learning: an application in predicting hemodiafiltration's convection volumes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C: Applied Statistics, published online. arXiv | Oxford
Diop A*, Sirois C, Guertin JR, Schnitzer ME, Brophy JM, Blais C, Hamel D, Talbot D (2024). History-Restricted Marginal Structural Model and Latent Class Growth Analysis of Treatment Trajectories for a Time-dependent Outcome. International Journal of Biostatistics, Published online. De Gruyter
Wang G*, Lian Y, Yang AY, Platt RW, Wang R, Perreault S, Dorais M, Schnitzer ME (2024). Structured Learning in Time-dependent Cox Models. Statistics in Medicine, 43(17): 3164-3183. Wiley
Ortiz-Brizuela E*, Carabali M, Jiang C*, Merckx J, Talbot D, Schnitzer ME. Potential Biases in Test-Negative Design Studies of COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Arising from the Inclusion of Asymptomatic Individuals. Accepted in American Journal of Epidemiology, April 2024. Oxford
Wang G*, Schnitzer ME, Chen T, Wang R, Platt RW (2024). A general framework for formulating structured variable selection. Transactions on Machine Learning Research. OpenReview
Mésidor M*, Liu Y*, Talbot D, Skowronski DM, De Serres G, Merckx J, Koushik A, Tadrous M, Carazo S, Jiang C*, Schnitzer ME (2024). Test negative design for vaccine effectiveness estimation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic methodology review. Vaccine 42(5):995-1003. SD
Siddique AA*, Schnitzer ME, Balakrishnan N, Sotgiu G, Vargas MH, Menzies D, Benedetti A (2023). Two-stage targeted maximum likelihood estimation for mixed aggregate and individual participant data analysis with an application to multidrug resistant tuberculosis. Statistics in Medicine, online ahead of print, November 2023. Wiley
Diop A*, Sirois C, Guertin J, Schnitzer ME, Candas B, Cossette B, Brophy J, Mésidor M0, Blais C, Hamel D, Tadrous M, Lix L, Talbot D (2023). Marginal Structural Models with Latent Class Growth Analysis of Treatment Trajectories: Statins for primary prevention among older adults. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 32(11):2207-2225. PMC
Liu Y*, Schnitzer ME, Herrera R*, Díaz I, O’Loughlin J, Sylvestre MP. The application of target trials with longitudinal targeted maximum likelihood estimation to assess the effect of alcohol consumption in adolescence on depressive symptoms in adulthood. Accepted in American Journal of Epidemiology, July 2023. Oxford | Papyrus
Schnitzer ME, Ferreira Guerra S*, Longo C, Blais L, and Platt RW (2022). A potential outcomes approach to defining and estimating gestational age-specific exposure effects during pregnancy. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 31(2): 300-314. SAGE
Bahamyirou A*, Schnitzer ME, Kennedy E, Blais, L, Yang, Y. Doubly Robust Adaptive LASSO for Effect Modifier Discovery. Online ahead of print at the International Journal of Biostatistics, January 2022. De Gruyter | arXiv
Liu Y*, Schnitzer ME, Wang G*, Kennedy E, Viiklepp P, Vargas MH, Sotgiu G, Menzies D, Benedetti A (2022). Modeling Treatment Effect Modification in Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis in an Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 31(4):689-705. SAGE
Schnitzer ME. Estimands and estimation of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness under the test-negative design: connections to causal inference (2022). Epidemiology, 33(3):325-333. LWW | PMC
Benasseur I, Talbot D, Durand M, Holbrook A, Matteau A, Potter BJ, Renoux C, Schnitzer ME, Tarride JE, Guertin JR (2022). Comparison of Confounder Selection and Adjustment Methods for Estimating Causal Effects Using Large Healthcare Databases. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 31(4):424-433. Wiley
Sinyavskaya L*, Schnitzer ME, Renoux C, Guertin JR, Talbot D, Durand M (2021). Evidence of the Different Associations of Prognostic Factors with Censoring Across Treatment Groups and Impact on Censoring Weight Model Specification: The Example of Anticoagulation in Atrial Fibrillation. American Journal of Epidemiology, 190(12):2671-2679. OUP
Schnitzer ME, Harel D, Ho V, Koushik A, and Merckx J. Identifiability and estimation under the test-negative design with population controls with the goal of identifying risk and preventive factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Epidemiology, 32(5): 690-697. LWW | arXiv
Shrier I, Redelmeier A*, Schnitzer ME, Steele RJ (2021). Challenges in interpreting results from “multiple regression” when there is interaction between covariates. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, 26(2). BMJ
Ferreira Guerra S*, Schnitzer ME, Forget A, Blais L. Impact of discretization of the timeline for longitudinal causal inference methods (2020). Statistics in Medicine, 39(27): 4069-4085. Wiley | Papyrus
Schnitzer ME, Sango J*, Ferreira Guerra S*, van der Laan MJ (2020). Data-adaptive longitudinal variable selection in causal inference with collaborative targeted minimum loss-based estimation. Biometrics, 76(1): 145-157. Pubmed | Papyrus
Wang G*, Schnitzer ME, Menzies D, Viiklepp P, Holtz T, Benedetti A (2020). Estimating treatment importance in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis using Targeted Learning: an observational individual patient data network meta-analysis. Biometrics, 76(3): 1007-1016. Wiley | Papyrus
Bahamyirou A*, Blais L, Forget A, Schnitzer ME (2019) Understanding and Diagnosing the Potential for Bias when using Machine Learning Methods with Doubly Robust Causal Estimators. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 28(6):1637-1650. SAGE | Papyrus
Siddique AA*, Schnitzer ME, Bahamyirou A*, Wang G*, Holtz TH, Migliori GB, Sotgiu G, Gandhi NR, Vargas MH, Menzies D, Benedetti A (2019). Causal inference with multiple concurrent medications: a comparison of methods and an application in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 28(12):3534-3549. Pubmed | Papyrus
Schnitzer ME, Blais L (2018) Methods for the assessment of selection bias in drug safety during pregnancy studies using electronic medical data, Pharmacology Research & Perspectives, 6(5): e00426. Pubmed
Shrier I, Platt RW, Steele RJ and Schnitzer ME (2018) Estimating causal effects of treatment in a randomized trials when some participants only partially adhere. Epidemiology, 29(1): 78-86. Pubmed
Schnitzer ME, Cefalu M (2018) Collaborative targeted learning using regression shrinkage.
Statistics in Medicine 37(4): 530-543. Wiley
Pang M, Schuster T, Filion K, Schnitzer ME, Eberg M, Platt R (2016) Effect Estimation in Point-exposure Studies with Binary Outcomes and High-dimensional Covariate Data – a Comparison of Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighting. International Journal of Biostatistics, 12(2). Pubmed
Schnitzer ME, Steele RJ, Bally M, and Shrier I (2016) A causal inference approach to network meta-analysis. Journal of Causal Inference, 4(2). De Gruyter | arXiv
Naimi AI, Schnitzer ME, Moodie EEM, and Bodnar LM (2016) Mediation Analysis for Health Disparities Research. American Journal of Epidemiology 184(4): 315-324. Oxford
Schnitzer ME, Lok JJ and Gruber S (2016) Variable selection for confounder control, flexible modeling and Collaborative Targeted Minimum Loss-based Estimation in causal inference. International Journal of Biostatistics 12(1): 97-115. Files | Pubmed
Schnitzer ME, Lok JJ and Ron Bosch (2016) Double robust and efficient estimation of a prognostic model for events in the presence of dependent censoring. Biostatistics 17(1): 165-177. Files | Oxford
(Short invited article) Shrier I, Schnitzer ME, and Steele RJ (2015) When Intention to Treat is not the question : Systematic reviews and meta-analyses on the causal effect of treatment. Cochrane DB Syst Rev Suppl 1 : 27-28. Cochrane
Schnitzer ME, van der Laan MJ, Moodie EEM, and Platt RW (2014) Effect of Breastfeeding on Gastrointestinal Infection in Infants: A Targeted Maximum Likelihood Approach for Clustered Longitudinal Data. Annals of Applied Statistics 8(2): 703-725. Pubmed
Schnitzer ME, Moodie EEM, van der Laan MJ, Platt RW, and Klein MB (2014) Modeling the impact of hepatitis C viral clearance on end-stage liver disease in an HIV co-infected cohort with Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation. Biometrics 70(1): 144–152. Wiley
Schnitzer ME, Moodie EEM, and Platt RW (2013) Targeted maximum likelihood for marginal time-dependent treatment effects under density misspecification. Biostatistics 14(1): 1-14. Pubmed
Mésidor M*, Sirois C, Guertin JR, Schnitzer ME, Candas B, Blais C, Cossette B, Poirier P, Brophy JM, Lix L, Tadrous M, Diop A, Hamel D, Talbot D. Effect of statin use for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease among older adults: A cautionary tale concerning target trials emulation. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, available online 2024.
Winters N*, Schnitzer ME, Campbell JR, Ripley S, Winston C, Savic R, Ahmad N, Bisson G, Dheda K, Esmail A, Gegia M, Monedero I, Dalcolmo MP, Rodrigues D, Singla R, Yim J-J, Menzies D (2023). Identifying patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis who may benefit from shorter durations of treatment. PLOS ONE 18(10): e0292106.
Perreault S, Schnitzer ME, Disso E*, Qazi J*, Boivin-Proulx L-A, Dorais M (2022+). Polypharmacy and Risk of Mortality Among Patients with Heart Failure Following Hospitalization: A Nested Case-control Study. Scientific Reports, 12, Article number: 19963.
Jiao T*, Schnitzer ME, Forget A, Blais L (2022). Identifying Asthma Patients at High Risk of Exacerbation in Real Time: A Machine Learning Model Respiratory Medicine. Respiratory Medicine, 198: 106866.
Perreault S, Dragomir A, Côté R, Terrier-Lenglet A, de Denus S, Dorais M, White-Guay B, Brophy J, Schnitzer ME, Dubé MP, Tardif JC (2022). Comparative Effectiveness and Safety of Low-Dose Oral Anticoagulants in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation. Frontiers Pharmacology, 12: 812018.
Chamoun M*, Forget A, Chabot I, Schnitzer ME, Blais L (2022). Difference in drug cost between private and public drug plans in Quebec, Canada. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1):200. Pubmed
Fleury S*, Schnitzer ME, Ledoux-Hutchinson L, Boukhatem I, Bélanger JC, Welman M, Busseuil D, Tardif JC, D’Antono B, Lordkipanidzé M (2022). Clinical correlates identify proBDNF and thrombo-inflammatory markers as key predictors of circulating p75NTR ECD levels in older adults. Frontiers Aging Neuroscience, 14: 821865. Frontiers
Bouchard A*, Bourdeau F*, Roger J*, Taillefer VT*, Sheehan N, Schnitzer ME, Wang G*, François IJJB, Therrien R. Predictive Factors of Detectable Viral Load in HIV Infected Patients.Online ahead of print at AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, November 2021. Pubmed
Abrahami D*, McDonald EG, Schnitzer ME, Barkun AN, Suissa S, Azoulay L (2021). Proton pump inhibitors and risk of colorectal cancer. Gut, 71:111-118. Awarded Editor's Choice. Pubmed
Abrahami D*, McDonald EG, Schnitzer ME, Barkun AN, Suissa S, Azoulay L (2021). Proton pump inhibitors and risk of gastric cancer: population-based cohort study. Gut, 71:16-24. Awarded Editor's Choice. Pubmed
Boissière-O’Neill T, Schnitzer ME, Lewin A, Bilodeau-Bertrand M, Ayoub A, Auger N (2021). Is the protective association between hyperemesis gravidarum and birth defects biased by pregnancy termination? Annals of Epidemiology, 59:10-15. Pubmed
Qazi JZ*, Schnitzer ME, Côté R, Martel MJ, Dorais M, Perreault S (2021). Predicting major bleeding among hospitalized patients using oral anticoagulants for atrial fibrillation after discharge. PLOS ONE, 16(3):e0246691. PLOS
Richard N, Gyger G, Hoa S, Proudman S, Stevens W, Nikpour M, Wang M, Schnitzer ME, Canadian Scleroderma Research Group (CSRG), Australian Scleroderma Interest Group (ASIG), Baron M, Hudson M (2021). Immunosuppression Does Not Prevent Severe Gastrointestinal Tract Involvement in Systemic Sclerosis. Arthritis Care & Research 131(4):142-148. Pubmed
Perreault S, Dragomir A, Côté R, Lenglet A, White-Guay B, de Denus S, Schnitzer ME, Dubé MP, Brophy J, Dorais M, Tardif JC (2021). Comparative effectiveness and safety of high-dose rivaroxaban and apixaban for atrial fibrillation: A propensity score-matched cohort study. Pharmacotherapy 41(4):379-393. Pubmed
Abrahami D*, McDonald EG, Schnitzer ME, Azoulay L (2021). Trends in Prescribing Patterns of Proton Pump Inhibitors Surrounding New Guidelines. Annals of Epidemiology, 55:24-26. Pubmed
Durand M, Schnitzer ME, Pang M, Carney G, Eltonsy S, Filion KB, Fisher A, Jun M, Kuo I, Matteau A, Paterson JM, Quail J, Renoux C and the CNODES Investigators (2021). Effectiveness and Safety among Direct Oral Anticoagulants in Non Valvular Atrial Fibrillation: A Multi-Database Cohort Study with Meta-Analysis. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 87(6):2589-2601. Pubmed
Abrahami D*, McDonald EG, Schnitzer ME, Azoulay L (2020). Trends in acid suppressant drug prescriptions in primary care in the UK: a population-based cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 10: e041529. BMJ
Sangaré MN*, Baril J, de Pokomandy A, Ferreira Guerra S*, Carabali M, Laprise C, Thomas R, Klein M, Tremblay C, Roger M, Pexos C, Greenwald Z, Machouf N, Durand M, Hardy I, Dakouo M, Trevisan A*, Laporte L, Schnitzer ME, Trottier H (2020). Treatment switch to dolutegravir with 2 nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) in comparison to continuation with protease inhibitor/ritonavir among patient with HIV at risk for prior NRTI resistance: a cohort analysis of real-world data. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 7(11). Chosen as “Editor’s Choice”.
Durand M, Schnitzer ME, Pang M, Carney G, Eltonsy S, Filion KB, Fisher A, Jun M, Kuo I, Matteau A, Paterson JM, Quail J, Renoux C and the CNODES Investigators (2020). Comparative Effectiveness and Safety of Direct Oral Anticoagulants compared to vitamin K antagonists in Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation: A Multi-center Observational Cohort Study. CMAJ Open, 8(4): E877-E886.
Longo C*, Forget A, Schnitzer ME, Blais L (2020). Timing of Maternal Asthma Diagnosis in Relation to Adverse Perinatal Outcomes. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 8(6):1938-1946.e4. Pubmed
Auger N, Potter BJ, Healy-Profitós J, He S, Schnitzer ME, Paradis G (2020). Mood disorders in pregnant women and future cardiovascular risk. Journal of Affective Disorders, 266: 128-134.
Auger N, Potter BJ, He S, Healy-Profitós J, Schnitzer ME, Paradis G (2020). Maternal cardiovascular disease three decades after preterm birth: Longitudinal cohort study of pregnancy vascular disorders. Hypertension, 75(3): 788-795.
Perreault S, de Denus S, White-Guay B, Côté R, Schnitzer ME, Dubé M-P, Dorais M, Tardif J-C (2020). Oral Anticoagulant Prescription Trends, Profile Use and Determinants of Adherence in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation. Pharmacotherapy, 40(1): 40-54. Link
Lombardi J, Nguy P, Robichaud Ducharme A, Thompson-Desormeaux F, Ruo N, Girard G, Schnitzer ME, Thirion DJG, Papenburg J, Longpré AA (2019). Assessment of Surgical Antibiotic Prophylaxis Compliance in Pediatrics: A Pre–Post Quasi-experimental Study. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 39(1): 48-53.
Khanji C*, Schnitzer ME, Bareil C, Perreault S, Lalonde L (2019). Concordance of care processes between medication records and patient self-administered questionnaires. BMC Family Practice, 20:92
Blair A*, Gauvin L, Schnitzer ME, Datta GD (2019). The role of access to a regular primary care physician in mediating immigration-based disparities in colorectal screening: Application of multiple mediation methods. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 28(4):650-658. Link
Perreault S, Côté R, White-Guay B, Dorais M, Oussaïd E*, Schnitzer ME (2019). Anticoagulants in older patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation after intracranial hemorrhage. Journal of Stroke, 21(2): 195-206.
Khanji C*, Lalonde L, Bareil C, Lussier M-T, Perreault S, Schnitzer ME (2019). LASSO Regression for the Prediction of Intermediate Outcomes Related to Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Using the Transit Quality Indicators. Medical Care, 57(1): 63-72. Link
Discepola V*, Schnitzer ME, Jolicoeur EM, Rousseau G, Lordkipanidzé M (2018). Clinical Importance of Thrombocytopenia in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes - a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2019). Platelets, 30(7): 817-827. Link
Doré I*, O'Loughlin JL, Schnitzer ME, Datta GD, Fournier L (2018) The longitudinal association between the context of physical activity and mental health in early adulthood. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 14: 121-130.
Auger N, Arbour L, Schnitzer ME, Healy-Profitós J, Nadeau G, Fraser WD (2018). Pregnancy Outcomes of Women with Spina Bifida. Disability and Rehabilitation, 12:1-7.
Awad C*, Canneva A*, Chiasson CO*, Galarneau A*, Schnitzer ME, Sheehan NL, Wong AYJ (2017). PHIRST Trial - Pharmacist Consults: Prioritization of HIV Patients with a Referral Screening Tool. AIDS Care: Psychology, Health & Medicine - Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 14: 1-10. Link
Antaky E*, Choinière M, Schnitzer ME, Martin E, Berbiche D, Perreault S, Lussier D, Lalonde L (2017) Identifying heavy healthcare users among primary care patients with chronic non-cancer pain. Canadian Journal of Pain, 1(1): 22-36. Link
Auger N, Fraser, WD, Schnitzer ME, Leduc L, Healy-Profitós J, and Paradis G (2016) Recurrent preeclampsia and accelerated cardiovascular risk, Heart, 103(3): 235-243. Link
Schnitzer ME, Hudson M, Baron M, Steele RJ, and the Canadian Scleroderma Research Group (2011) Disability in systemic sclerosis -- a longitudinal observational study. Journal of Rheumatology 38: 685-692. Link
Walker JG, Steele RJ, Schnitzer ME, Taillefer S, Baron M, the Canadian Scleroderma Research Group, and Hudson M (2010) The association between disease activity and duration in systemic sclerosis. Journal of Rheumatology. 37: 2299-2306. Link